Grocery Store Blues

4 09 2008

Lynnster breaks it down.

You want my vote in the Presidential election?  Then tell me it is going to stop, and where it’s going to stop, and when it’s going to end, AND make it happen.

Read the whole thing.

TennViews Weekly Round-Up

31 08 2008

Russ has done a great job again rounding up liberal bloggers thoughts on the Democratic Convention in Denver, Sarah Palin and other goodies.

Head over to Tennviews and catch up with a cup of coffee, a good book and your cyber buddies.

BarCamp Is Coming To Memphis

30 08 2008

To all my Memphis pals, I can’t recommend BarCamp enough as I went to the one in Nashville last year. It’s a wonderful free exchange of ideas about new technology, blogging, social media networking and a good way to make new friends and contacts.

It’s coming to your town on Nov. 8.

Check into it here and it is also on Twitter with timely updates about the event.

Love the logo.

Say Howdy

29 08 2008

To Katie Didn’t Do It

Via Left Wing Cracker

Chris Davis In Denver

27 08 2008

The Pesky One is on the streets of Denver showing what’s happening on the ground during the Democratic Convention.


Road Trip Across Tennessee

27 08 2008

Memphis’ own Theo Geo, who is one of my favorite bloggers, is traveling the state of Tennessee. Her travels are here and you can see her photos, which are always wonderful and filled with such subtle context here.

Beauty beneath the surface and in the details.

If I were you, I’d get over there quickly.

A Round Of Applause For Russ McBee

24 08 2008

Let’s all say Yay for Russ, who has been doing a bang up job of rounding up the hippie liberals for the last few weeks.

Given the large number of blog posts discussing the choice of Biden and the diversity of opinions on the topic, this week’s roundup is devoted exclusively to that subject.

• 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Biden! and Senator O’Biden [Ed. note: The RSS feed for 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera has moved to this link.]

• 55-40 Memphis: It’s official now

• Carole Borges: Joe Biden is perfect! I’m excited once again.

The Crone Speaks: Obama Says it is Biden, I Say More of the Same

• Don Williams: Obama-Biden’s a brilliant ticket, but only if they win, natch

• Enclave: Wealthy Elite vs. Middle Class: Pick Your Biden Scorecard and Biden His Time: Delaware Senator Brings Commoner Cred to the Ticket

• KnoxViews: Joe Biden

• Lean Left: Hello, Joe! (Whadda ya know?)

• Left Of The Dial: Hey Barack

• Left Wing Cracker: I think it’s going to work..

• Nashville for the 21st Century: Asshatery at Fournier’s “Associated Press”

• Newscoma: Obama Chooses Biden and LA Times Gets Its VP Story Wrong and Breaking Down The Biden Factor

• Russ McBee: A quick thought on Joe Biden

• Sharon Cobb: BREAKING: Obama Picks Joe Biden!

• Silence Isn’t Golden: It’s Definitely Biden

• Southern Beale: So It’s Biden and IOKIYAR: Veepstakes Edition

• Tennessee Guerilla Women: Obama Picks a Bro: It’s Biden

• Vibinc: The Veep-Stakes Fiasco [Ed. note: OK, the Vibinc post isn’t a reaction per se, since it was written on Friday, but it’s still relevant. Sue me.]

And finally, Katie Allison Granju blogs on the subject from her new home at, “Because I Said So“:

• Because I Said So: Obama didn’t get this one right

Annoying Autobiographical Pause In Photos

19 08 2008

I’m doing some cleaning and thought I’d share some photos with you from 2007.

First out, I need to apologize ahead of time. Gov. Ned McWherter was looking at the back of my T-shirt. Completely innocent.

Meeting Left Wing Cracker the first time.

In Memphis

And a lovely surprise. A picture I found of my friend Stewart Byars that I didn’t know I had.

May 2007

May 2007

And, umm, just go here to see CeeElCee being talked about in San Francisco.


18 08 2008

As usual, this week’s roundup of Tennessee liberal bloggers covers a wide range of topics, so grab a cup of coffee and set aside some time to read the finest blogs in the state.

• 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: An International, First-Hand Perspective (“Want to find out what bloggers who write in a language you can’t read are saying? This is a great place to start.“) and Running on Stolen Property

• BlountViews: Tennessee Division of Elections: No election (“But we assume nobody will press the issue with Blount County to seek further clarification, and they will do whatever they want to do as usual.“) and MDT: You get what you deserve (“Do we get what we deserve, or do we get what the backroom mechanics of the local political establishment and the MDT decide we need?“)

• Carole Borges: John Edwards and what seperates a man from a boy (“I’m so mad at John Edwards I could spit.“) and Bush’s pastor rebukes the Republican favorite son (“The Republican Right should be appalled at McCain’s record when it comes to having decent morals and values.“)

• The Crone Speaks: Rapists Get a Pass in Knoxville: It’s Her Fault (“This isn’t logical reasoning, it’s simple brutality that is not being acknowledged by juries.“) and Bush-dog Schuler Profiting From TVA Oversight Position (“This is a pretty substantial investment, and the approval by the TVA for the land swap will greatly increase the lining of Bush-dog Schuler’s pockets.“)

• Cup Of Joe Powell: Debating Student Rights and Southern History (“Can a school system’s dress code policy curb your free speech?“) and Kitchen Sink Bath At Burger King (“Thank God the internet allows stupid to be shared on a global scale.“) BONUS: Rep. David Davis can’t believe he lost here, here, and here.

• Don Williams: Putin and Bush doomed to waltz thru history in each other’s eyes (“No doubt, Putin saw his reflection in Bush’s vacuous eyes, for this is a man who, like Bush, views war as the natural state of humankind.“)

• Donkey’s Mouth: Chairman Dean Responds to Arkansas Democratic Party Shooting

• Enclave: 13,000 Children Abandoned by the United States Government (“Uncle Sam is one cruel bastard to el niños.“) and English Only is Astroturf, Not Grassroots

• Fletch: Hanging Around and Bigger is Better [Ed. note: Holy crap!]

• KnoxViews: Jesse Helms a great American? (“What editorial devil possessed the KNS to publish the “Citizen’s Voice” tripe by June B. Griffin in today’s (Aug. 16) edition?“) and Doughy yet suave man about town seeks sociopathic presidential aspirant and Online convention coverage and McCain embraces Bush, supporters defect (“Saying “nobody likes a funeral,” prominent Republicans are staying away from their convention.“)

• Lean Left: Is It Just Me? and Testing the Limits

• Left Of The Dial: Hyper Local and Summer Blog Blues

• Left Wing Cracker: OK, how about NOW? Here’s the MMHF 2008 SCHEDULE!! and Who owns McCain? Hint: it’s not you.

• Liberadio(!): An Open Letter to Rep. David Davis, Candidate Tim Barnes, Nashville Public Radio, and the National Media (“Since the story broke of potential recount challenges by both candidate Barnes and Rep. Davis, a couple of things have happened.“)

• Loose TN Canon: Top CIA official confesses order to forge Iraq-9/11 letter came on White House stationery

• Nashville for the 21st Century: 80’s Night at the TNGOP (“What is funny is that in 1984 the Soviet Union was on the brink of collapse. They were a paper tiger, not a bear in the woods. So, in that regard, Hobbs’ comparison is fairly accurate.“) and No Speaky Spanish (“Oh, and just to pour salt in the wounds of TIRRC, Crafton is proposing an interpreter fee for those who need language services. But remember, his wife is Japanese and his Brother-in-law is Hispanic, so its OK.“) and Republicans Attempt Voter Suppression in Ohio (“[T]he prospect of shorter lines in minority areas and easier access to vote is keeping some GOP officials up late at night.“)

• Newscoma: AT&T = Epic Fail and Random Thoughts and Martin Plant To Close (“A plant that has been around for most of my life is closing. … This is just another huge loss for this community.“)

• The Pesky Fly: Things I’m not buying for $1000, Alex and Presumptuous? Maybe. Dangerous and Wrong? Oh Yeah!

• Progressive Nashville: It’s just plain mean (“These knuckle-draggers who claim they are defenders of Judeo-Christian values clearly don’t understand the concept.“) and Spin control (“The Tennessean wants the story to be about numbers, but rezoning is a story about people.“)

• Resonance: NeoCon Dreams (“Yesterday Senator McCain said: “In the 21st century, nations don’t invade other nations.” Today comedian Limbaugh, et al., are framing (and condeming) the conflict as Russia’s quest to control oil flows. The irony is overwhelming.“)

• RoaneViews: Roane County Industrial Park causing Water Problems and Dear Tina E*****s

• Russ McBee: Pelosi caves yet again (“Pelosi is more than willing to substitute meaningless gimmicks for substantive policy, all based on her phobia of being called names by Republicans.“)

• Sharon Cobb: To Be President In America–Must Be Born In America, 35 Years Of Age,….AND CHRISTIAN! Rick Warren With Obama And McCain (“In a 2008 America, one clearly has to be a Christian to be elected. And that’s wrong.“) and Where Does The TnGOP Stand On Us Heartless Jews? and Day 3:The Tennessee GOP Still Won’t Reply To The Jewish Community Regarding It Being A Christian Organization

• Silence Isn’t Golden: How Many Times Can The Straight Talk Express Derail? and I Think I’d Rather Be A Turtle (“I did my first ever scuba dive in Bora Bora.“)

• Southern Beale: Saying No To Sean Hannity and Still Dropping (“This reminds me that back in April when gas prices started climbing into the stratosphere, local conservative yakker Steve Gill said it was the Democrats’ fault. Well, bless his heart. So, now that gas prices are falling, do Democrats get the credit?“)

• Tennessee Guerilla Women: CNN: Is Obama the AntiChrist? (“Oh, my aching head. If we weren’t stuck inside the borders of a giant insane asylum, CNN would be laughed off the air.“) and Hillary’s Name to Be Placed in Nomination and Sexist Olympic Photos of the Day

• TennViews: Unemployment continues up: shockingly so in some Southern States (“We have less than six months until someone new is in the President’s seat. How bad can it get in six months?“) and National English-only group congratulates Nashville on ballot initiative, takes credit for helping (“When even the local Chamber of Commerce doesn’t agree and instead takes the “progressive” point of view, it’s a pretty good signal that you’re on the wrong side of the issue.“) and A call for party unity (“For the sake of party unity, Rob Huddleston calls for 1st District Republicans to unite and tell David Davis to shut up and go away.“)

• Tiny Cat Pants: Some Child Left Behind (“I keep thinking how history will judge us, what the folks will make of the ways in which we lied to ourselves about what we’re doing and why we’re doing it.“) and Stupidity and Women’s Health

• Vibinc: Getting in a Wreck Teh Suk and Take Ice Cream off the Menu

• West Tennessee Liberal: Disrespect

• WhitesCreek Journal: Search Me and T. Boone’s Boy: “Will Lie For Money” and Running From Red (“John McCain is a half assed Conservative, even if he does lie like one.“)

• Women’s Health News: Tennessee Women to Have Fewer Options for Reproductive Health and HHS Sec. Leavitt Responds Further to Objections, Ignores Substance (“Clearly, Leavitt values a “social statement” just as much as women’s access to care, while completely ignoring objections that the proposed regulation may extend that refusal of care to very basic needs such as contraception. If that doesn’t send a chill up the spine of America’s women and families, I don’t know what will.“)

Vibinc’s Busy Day

16 08 2008

Well, he and the saucy Stacy Mac had a car wreck from Hades. There all right but their car, Jerome, is dead.

Oh, yeah, he’s pulled his petition for District 9 and is going to be running for public office in Memphis.

Get up, Vibinc!

Progressive News, Tennessee Style

10 08 2008

Russ is doing the heavy lifting this week for all of us libs out there.

Let’s rock:

Courtesy of TennViews

The proprietor of this site has a lot of other stuff on his plate right now, so I’ll be doing the TennViews progressive blog roundup for the remainder of August. If I’ve left anyone off the list, please let me know in the comments.

• 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Regarding Edwards (“Perhaps if he had taken a look around once in a while, at all the good people who were helping him up, he might have realized that he didn’t get where he was all alone. Then perhaps he wouldn’t have felt so much like superman.“) and Wordless Wednesday

• Andy Axel: Wires and Wood

• BlountViews: South Blount Utility: Consider bottled drinking water (“A resident in the South Blount Utility District said they got a notice of violation of safe drinking water standards indicating their drinking water was contaminated with high levels of lead.“)

• Carole Borges: First Lady aka Miss Buffalo Chip (“It was a touching moment and a lovely display of Republican family values. Cindy blushed of course and looked flattered. You could almost see her already measuring the thongs she will wear in the White House.“)

• The Crone Speaks: Racism Thriving?!? (“The very sad thing is, there are people that one wouldn’t readily categorize as being racist in any other situation, that do feel that Obama being president would “end” this country.“)

• Cup Of Joe Powell: Davis Not Conceding To Roe (“One thing about Davis – he has consistently blamed Democrats for all the national and regional ills, and now he blames them for not being re-elected. Perhaps there were some cross-over votes, but he simply need look in the mirror to discover the reason for his loss. His inability to accept the outcome of the vote, to accept responsibility for himself, says volumes about his failings.“) and Thoughts on Alexander Solzhenitsyn

• Don Williams: Bush puts Double-I brand on the Olympics–Insulting Incoherence (“Taking a stand against China’s big redemptive PR show by declining to attend would’ve been consistent and coherent. But complaining all the way to the show, and even at his reception in China this morning, smacks of incoherency, bad manners and outright hypocrisy.“)

• Donkey’s Mouth: The Dems Respond

• Enclave: But the tallest candle stick ain’t much good without a wick (“Let’s set aside the question of whether our expectations have sunk so low that we actually give kudos to politicians for just doing the right thing.“)

• Fletch: Elkmont In August and Cool

• KnoxViews: KAG, signing off (“Katie Allison Granju signed off for the last time at Knoxville Talks yesterday. She did a fantastic job creating a great new local media sponsored blog and set the bar high for her successor.“) and WBIR declares Bryant winner in Commission 6-A? (“Katie’s only been gone one day and look what happens!“) and Green Route Alert, Again! (“There is too much money to be made “developing” and paving the state for people who care about sprawl and the ruination of east TN to stay indifferent.“) and Technology corridor not working out (“High tech companies aren’t going to move to an area that doesn’t support education and only graduates people qualified to work in call centers.“)

• Lean Left: Send a Message in a Language They Understand (“Glenn Greenwald, along with Jane Hamsher of firedoglake and a variety of other pro-democracy bloggers and activists, is helping establish a new organization dedicated to targeting vulnerable Democratic candidates who work against progressive interests and civil liberties.“)

• Left Of The Dial: Olympics Freak (“Only I would be watching judo, badminton, Chinese women lifting weights and some dude trotting around on a horse doing half-circles simultaneously, live from Beijing on a Saturday morning.“)

• Left Wing Cracker: An open letter to Nikki Tinker (“How amazing it was to watch as you turned within 48 hours from an attacking Congressional candidate to a national pariah; “Worst Person in the World”, indeed. As Vito Corleone once said, how did things ever get so far?“)

• Liberadio(!): The Not-So-Veiled Partisanship of Congresswoman Blackburn (“And speaking of honesty, she and her friends standing in the dark in the House chamber might want to stop claiming that off-shore drilling will give us immediate relief from high gas prices. ‘Cause it won’t.“)

• Loose TN Canon: Republicans obstruct vote to lower gas prices (“Once again, the GOP leadership sided with oil profiteers and used their power to help keep oil prices and profits high, while hurting the average American.“)

• Nashville for the 21st Century: Election Day Is Here (“If passion alone won elections, it would be a landslide for Tuke this fall should he get the nomination.“)

• Newscoma: Grief Brings Out The Best In People (“This is my second funeral in three weeks of people I grew up with. We drove our cars fast, hid out on back roads talking about our future and drank beer bought by those a couple of years older than us in corn fields still smelling of a fresh harvest. We were going to take on the world. We wanted to own it.“) and Personal Reflections On Edwards Scandal (“Baby Boomers in politics amaze me. I’m not one of them, but I have to say, they have changed the world. I don’t necessarily mean that as a compliment.“) and Advice To The Young ‘Uns (“Don’t sweat the small stuff. Treat other people the way you want to be treated. Do things you are afraid to do. Don’t listen to Bill Hobbs, and eat more fruit.“)

• The Pesky Fly: Delusions of Adequacy (“If this is the Chairman’s take on the craziest sh_t to come down the pipe since, oh, I don’t know, a member of the TNDP Executive Committee accused the Democratic presidential nominee of ties to terrorism, it will be very revealing indeed when Mr. Sasser finally does find something that puts a fire in his belly.“)

• Progressive Nashville: Thank heavens for the white kids (“Thank heavens the white kids in Nashville’s public schools are doing so well academically. If they weren’t, our schools would look much worse.“)

• Resonance: CBS News: “Bicycle Mania!” (“The piece discusses the increased interest in bicycling that has accompanied higher gasoline prices. I have noticed more people riding on the roads this summer; unfortunately, a few of them appear to have not yet mastered safety rules on riding with traffic.“)

• RoaneViews: My letter from the Roane Alliance (“I have trouble understanding the separation between the Roane Alliance, a County Government function supported by our tax dollars, and the Chamber of Commerce.“)

• Russ McBee: Knox County voters fall asleep (“Today’s message is simple: all the GOB’s have to do is wait long enough, and the voters of this county will forget whatever transgressions may have angered them in the past.“) and Justice denied (“To shield itself from public accountability, the White House crafted rules which ignored centuries of legal precedent and tossed aside even the barest semblance of justice in favor of a system automatically tilted toward the prosecution.“)

• Sharon Cobb: John Edwards: You’re A Piece Of Sh*t (“Politics aside, let me tell you about Elizabeth Edwards.“) and Let The Games Begin (“Also, please ask whomever is your choice for President why he bought 5-6 million dollars in advertising during the Olympics, knowing what China is doing in Darfur, Tibet, Berma, and other human and animal rights violations.“)

• Silence Isn’t Golden: Tyson Caves To…Someone (“Sorry wingnuts, you still lose.“)

• Southern Beale: Tyson Plant Revises Holiday Plan AGAIN (“Of course the Malkin-tents are going to claim another victory, but hey, look at it this way: we liberals can snicker at them for defending a holiday with communist/socialist origins founded by the evil labor unions.“) and 22 Days & Counting (“Here in Nashville I saw $3.69 at a Pilot station earlier this week. That’s a 40-cent drop from the high of $4.09/gallon back in July. Funny none of the stories about that Republican kabuki theater on offshore oil drilling bothers to mention that.“)

• Tennessee Guerilla Women: NBC Says Bill Clinton Will Speak at Convention in Order to Get Media to Shut Up (“Gawd. Can we please get term limits for the pundits?“) and Hillary: 18 Million Cracks in the Glass Ceiling (Video)

• TennViews: The ballots are set and we’re off to the races (“We’ve updated the TennViews 08 Candidate Central database to advance the primary winners and set the field for November.“) and Volunteer State 39th in Volunteering (“Forty-five percent of volunteering in Tennessean is performed in the religious sector, whereas that number is 63% in Utah. Are Tennesseans heathens or is that just a Mormon thing?“)

• Tiny Cat Pants: Like a Coat You Somehow Slip On Without Noticing (“This, this I believe explains the virulent anti-Mexican sentiment here in the South. Who doubts Faulkner, right? And when he says “The past is not dead. In fact, it’s not even past.” don’t we believe him?“)

• Vibinc: Cashing in at MCS (“In an editorial over a the CA newly installed Superintendent, Kriner Cash lays out his plan to help the districts most at risk students find success. The prescription, 2000 college aged tutors. I have to say, this is a brilliant idea.“)

• West Tennessee Liberal: I’m Proud of Memphis (“I’d hate to be an incumbent Republican in two years. It’s going to be a bloodbath.“)

• WhitesCreek Journal: Yeah! (“The whole world loves Barack Obama. He’s really popular. That’s why we shouldn’t vote for Obama.“)

• Women’s Health News: HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt Issues Blog Post on Proposed Regulation (“Regardless of intent, the regulation certainly could functionally allow the defining of contraceptives as abortion.“) and Lying Liars Who Lie (About Reproductive Health) (“I’ve come across several blog entries recently that recount stories of women being lied to by their healthcare providers and/or being lectured on the basis of their provider’s personal values.“)

Kibitzer Preaches It

9 08 2008

And I think I am in deep love with every word of his post.

A country is in convulsions, with old standards being destroyed and change – good, bad, and indifferent – coming so rapidly that it can barely be assimilated. The revolution runs from free love and hippies all the way to university shut-downs and Weatherman bombings. A ruinous war is on that cannot be stopped.

Read the rest.

His post has an Allen Ginsberg vibe to it.


Cohen Wins By Huge Margin

8 08 2008

So I received the good news last night that my political boyfriend, Steve Cohen barely beat Nikki “Not To Smart At Politics” Tinker.

Heh, I tease. 79 percent of the vote for Congressman Cohen isn’t bad at all.

From the always wonderful Jackson Baker from the Memphis Flyer who attended the victory ceremony.

It was, as he said amid the delirium of his victory celebration in the ballroom of the Holiday Inn on Central Avenue, a triumph for the idea that “we can all work together” and a refutation of the “negative politics” that a desperate challenger had attempted in the last few days to save herself from the palpable yearning for unity that had reached high tide among the communities of the 9th.

Egalia and Sharon have more.

As Angela said, “Dear Nikki Tinker, God don’t like ugly.  Voters don’t either.  Now you know.  Best wishes.”

And more news from across the state where something has happened for the first time in 42 years.

Tinker, Cohen And I’m A Bouncer

7 08 2008

Autoegocrat writes a hell of a post about Nikki Tinker.

The Nikki Tinker campaign and its surrogates have spent a few hundred thousand dollars and a tremendous amount of energy trying to portray an incumbent Democrat in good standing as a Jesus-killing atheist gay Jewish Klansman, and the chairman of the Tennessee Democratic Party interprets this as “a commitment to civil rights which transcends partisan labels and political attacks.”

Vote for my political boyfriend, Steve Cohen.

And, for the record, I tossed out a guy at the office yesterday too. I found out later that Homer and Squeegee Monkee had to get rid of the same guy at their business across the county.

He was pushy and didn’t leave when I asked him kindly to do so.

Then I tossed him.

I could get a job as a bouncer. Maybe Cohen’s bouncer?

Steve, call me.

Tennessee Political Blogs Marked As Spam

1 08 2008

Left Wing Cracker, Sharon Cobb and Vibinc are all reporting that they were marked as spam yesterday.

LWC has a thread over at his house about what happened.

And I don’t think my liberal blogging buddies won’t come out swinging because they don’t think this is a coincidence. Pissed might be the most accurate word.

We’ll see if more were reported as spam.

UPDATED: Blue Gal has a more comprehensive list which includes Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, which Sharon reported over at LWC.

It’s apparently happening to different kind of blogs on both sides of the political aisle.

Also Tom Guleff has been locked out according to LWC.

The VW Edition of TennViews

20 07 2008

The “Fahrvergnügen because it’s a funny word” edition of the Tennessee progressive blog roundup with a look at what the best Tennessee bloggers are talking about this week

10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Fahrvergnügen! (a comprehensive roundup of VW Chattanooga news)

Andy Axel: Bait and Switch

Tiny Cat Pants: As we all know, Bill Hobbs is on his great crusade to defund Planned Parenthood and instead move all that money into government-run services, because the TNGOP loves government-run healthcare, except when it’s proposed by Democrats.

BlountViews: Finney or Overbey? Who does a progressive support? PLUS: Lazy election coverage

Carole Borges: New Yorker loses its sense of humor

The Crone Speaks: It seems that when doctors themselves stop accepting insurance, their patients get better care at a more reasonable cost.

Cup Of Joe Powell: A blistering editorial on 1st District Congressman David Davis by the Editorial Board of the Bristol Herald Courier is out today and makes some excellent points: BONUS: Coffee War AND: Camera Obscura: Batmania (and more)

Don Williams: Al Gore’s daring challenge — an ‘Apollo program’ to save the Earth

Tennessee Democratic Party Blog: The Associated Press released an article today explaining how a 30% increase in voter turnout for Obama in the black community could swing the South, including Tennessee, into the blue column.

Enclave: It’s clear to me from this research that if you want a stronger economy that includes job creation, you have to run with Democratic Presidents. All of the conservative campaign rhetoric that moderate-leaning-left administrations will destroy American jobs is unsubstantiated in this research.

Fletch: Seagull Contrail PLUS: Still Life

KnoxViews: You can look up your bank or credit union at the following links to a) make sure they are insured, and b) check their financial statements and ratio reports, which are a quick snapshot of their performance. PLUS: John McCain posting on his blog. AND: Clinton (and Edwards) should be on the ballot in Denver

Lean Left: Massachusetts is now in the process of repealing the racist and obsolete law that Mitt Romney invoked to continue to limit marriage rights for gays after the state legislature removed the overt bar to marriage in the law.

Left Wing Cracker: Endorsements

Liberadio(!): Leave Robin Smith Alone!

NewsComa: Stewart Byars

The Pesky Fly: Atrios wonders why the image of the burning twin towers is seen by Republicans as a powerful image of their strength and resolve.

Progressive Nashville: Tennessee could save nearly six dollars in health care costs for every dollar spent on prevention according to a new study by the Trust for American Health. PLUS: Glass Houses AND: TNGOP Declares Victory in Iraq

Resonance:: What will it take to instill in our elected leaders a sufficient sense of urgency to act? $160/barrel oil? $180? $200? Whatever it is, it will come too late.

RoaneViews: Lincoln’s Republican opponent, Whatshisname, doesn’t live in our district and won’t be our next Congressman.

Russ McBee: Not surprisingly, the EPA intends to stonewall the issue long enough to avoid taking any action until after Bush leaves office; nevertheless, it’s astonishing that the EPA has finally dropped its hostility to nearly universal scientific consensus. PLUS: The phantom promise of offshore drilling

Nashville for the 21st Century: Congress-stakes: If A) Obama wins, and B) he offers Cooper a cabinet position, and C) he accepts…who would run for the open seat? I’ll throw out some potential candidates, and follow with a poll. PLUS: Will Pelosi and Dean Block Hillary at Convention?: The DNC can’t and won’t change the rules so that only Barack Obama’s name can be thrown out there.

Sharoncobb: Oh. You Have To See/Hear What Larry Craig Just Said: Oh Dear Lord. No one could make this stuff up. Here’s what Larry Craig just said, and it’s captured on tape:

• Silence Isn’t Golden Netroots Nation dispatches here, here, here, and here. BONUS: You are so Nashville if…

Southern Beale: Okay, kids, it’s time for that wacky new game: Elitist: Yes or No? PLUS: Memory Holes

Tennessee Guerilla Women: Sounds good. Except for the fact that for weeks now the media has been reporting that Hillary’s name on the ballot is not assured, rather the question will be determined by negotiations between the Clinton and Obama camps. PLUS: Breaking MSNBC Political News: Hillary Clinton Has a New Hairdo!

TennViews: Voters say more focus needed on children’s issues PLUS: Tennessee Senate 8th

WhitesCreek Journal: Republican Chair Robin Smith is a symptom of what is so wrong with our political process. There is a deep dishonesty in her half of the process and a willingness to let it slide on the part of most news media, and a massive double standard that examines Democratic candidates in minute detail but lets republican candidates get by with slanderous conduct. PLUS: Species Count for Whites Creek

Women’s Health News: HHS Attempts to Define Contraception as Abortion PLUS: Open letter to Obama:: I’d also like a pledge to not put anti-science, anti-woman yahoos in charge of, you know, science and women.

Gramm, FISA And TennViews

13 07 2008

The “saluting a mentally deficient nation of whiners without a FISA warrant” edition of the Tennessee progressive blog roundup with a look at what the best Tennessee bloggers are talking about this week.

10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Phil Gramm, the author of John McCain’s economic policies, the man who brought us the Enron loophole, which in turn has led to $4.00+/gallon gasoline, the man who probably doesn’t have a friend with a net worth under a million dollars, thinks that Americans who have lost their jobs, who can’t decide whether to buy a prescription, a tank of gas, or a week’s worth of food with their last $60 for the month, who have been forced out of their homes by a mortgage crisis that Gramm created — that these people are just a bunch of whiners who can’t get past a mental disorder that makes them only think that they are suffering economic hardships. Seriously. Take a moment to really absorb that.

Andy Axel: The Fish Hawk

Tiny Cat Pants: 287(g) Means Stealing Babies from Mothers

BlountViews: Willie Nelson cancels PLUS (IMPORTANT): Allman Bros., Please!: Please vote for the Allman Bros. here.

Carole Borges: It’s 3 A.M.. What if McCain can’t even remember where the phone is?

The Crone Speaks: So, it’’s important to note that when the people that have been harmed by the current economy, that was spurred by Phil Gramm’s legislative blunders, they get little help. When Bear Stearns cries, the Fed bails them out.

Cup Of Joe Powell: A peek at Kingsport Times-News reporter Hank Hayes’ email on why he does not cover Democrat candidates for Congress…, plus: Kingsport Newspaper Still Refuses Coverage of Candidate Rob Russell, bonus: Mega-Micro-Blog-Feed-Mobile-Alert-Pod Nation

Don Williams: But he was much more than that — author, artist, hunter, trapper, fisherman, farmer, developer, columnist, merchant, musician, yodeler, storyteller, botanist, broadcaster, poet, husband, father, seeker, dreamer and prophet — and still more yet. For once you tramp around in the body of lore that falls under the name Wiley Oakley, you encounter variations on a theme that boil down to this: Wiley was a part of these mountains.

TNDP: Sen. Diane Black needs a coat

Enclave: According to Forbes, Nashville cannot compete with peer cities like Charlotte, N.C. in providing unemployment benefits to jobless workers who qualify for federal aid.

Fletch: Summer on the Salt Run

KnoxViews: Harold Ford Jr. responds to Gramm’s “nation of whiners” remark

Lean Left: That makes my cost basis on that account $1,075. As of today, the balance in that account is $1,203.13, a profit of $128.13, and an ROI of 11.9%. Considering the age of the account (ten years), that makes my annual yield a whopping 1.1%!

Left of the Dial: I’m trying to determine which group has me shaking my head more this week: iPhone fanatics, villagers and tourists running with the bulls in Pamplona or my Baltimore Orioles.

LeftWingCracker: So, on that basis, whom would I rather see in that seat? Well, since A) I believe Blackburn should have gone to jail for inciting the near-riots surrounding the income-tax vote in the State Senate, and B) she is a Bush-Cheney parrot, and C) she lives in that most right-wing county, Williamson, I would go for Leatherwood.

Newscoma: Sen. Gramm, let me ask you sir, could you come over here to northwest Tennessee? I can show you about seven empty plants, downtowns with more closed businesses than open ones and — awww, forget about it. You don’t get it. I understand that. Plus: I Want Immunity Too

The Pesky Fly: Headlines to Remember: Bush Readies Pen; Relishes Signing Wiretap Bill

Progressive Nashville: I suppose that now that I’ve mentioned Hobb’s name here, he officially is a Progressive. Time to resign Bill, Progressives have no place on the GOP payroll. Plus: Alexander vs. McCain on Pork

Brian Arner’s Resonance: Bush Administration: You Are Worth $1 Million Less Than You Were Five Years Ago – Accelerated depreciation? Plus: Fortune ponders the doomsday scenario of Fannie Mae and/or Freddie Mac folding. I smell a massive, taxpayer-funded rescue in the air.

RoaneViews: Whites Creek is Closed for Maintenance: There are several rare, threatened, and endangered species of various sorts living in and around Whites Creek. We’ll have underwater cameras and other cameras and will try to document everything and report back on what these folks find.

Russ McBee: However, there may be one silver lining in all this: now that the telecommunications companies no longer face lawsuits for their (previously) illegal actions, they can be subpoenaed to testify before Congress in depth about their spying activities against Americans. Since they have immunity, they can no longer plead the Fifth when asked pointed, specific questions about their collusion.

Sean Braisted: get that people are upset with this, but c’mon, the death of the 4th amendment? Setting aside telecom immunity, what is so damned bad about this bill? Plus: Diane Black Getting Nervous

Sharon Cobb: I could deal with his move to the middle to get elected. I could deal with him not having the best health plan. But voting FOR FISA? No. I can’t deal with that. … You can go ahead and tell me “I told you so,” but out of compassion, please wait a day or two to do so. Plus: It was only a matter of time before the election to see which side was going to put the fear of war into American voters so they might elect a warmonger instead of a peacemaker. This is going to be big news later on today, because it’s just breaking now, and I had to go to Aljazeera English website for the information, as CNN is running something about Madonna.

Silence Isn’t Golden: And wouldn’t you know it, Troy King also happens to be the Alabama chairman of the John McCain campaign. This whole scandal is just way too perfect! Plus: Joe Lieberman Admits He’s A Lying Schmuck

Southern Beale: By the way: is this elitist? Because I can’t tell anymore. I think these kind of statements are only elitist if a Democrat says them. It certainly shows how out of touch Phil Gramm is from the lives of ordinary Americans. Plus: McCain’s Free Pass: That teflon suit that George W. Bush has worn for the past seven years has been handed down to John McCain 100% intact.

Tennessee Guerilla Women: If you can believe it, Obama adulator Andrew Sullivan recently suggested that the Barack Obama campaign is “far too cocky for its own good.” Like many conservatives, Sullivan, expert on the subject of self-absorption, is occasionally worth listening to.

TennViews: TN Senate Dem fundraising update Plus: Sen. Finney to launch “family friendly” lobbying effort: It doesn’t say whether same-sex couples will be welcome, or whether the group will lobby for adoptions by same-sex couples , or promote marriage or at least equal rights for same-sex couples, etc.

WhitesCreek Journal: Rich people, corporations, and foreign governments, are the folks who would lose Trillions of dollars is Fannie and Freddie go into bankruptcy. Having already doubled the National debt by borrowing more money than all 42 presidents that came before him, George W. Bush and his Republican buddies look like they will double it again, in one form or another, trying to keep Rich people, Corporations, and FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS from losing a lot of money. Plus: Whites Creek Journal is really about the largest unpolluted watershed in the State of Tennessee, outside the Smokies…And the struggle to keep it that way.

Women’s Health News: I don’t care about legal status – I think it’s better for all women, legal immigrants or not, to receive prenatal care than not to – at least to have the option. This event sends a message to the community of immigrant women that there will be no discretion, no compassion, that they risk being jailed, giving birth in custody, and having their baby taken away if they take the simple step of seeking medical care while pregnant.

The Human Factor of Higher Gas Costs

7 07 2008

I realize that at this moment and for roughly 36 days, my car, Steve Austin, has been AWOL.

I was already carpooling before Austin’s disappearance but with news like this, I’m wondering if I should just set him free.

Oil’s historic ascent from $100 to nearly $150 a barrel in just six months is lending weight to a far grimmer prediction: Crude could reach $200 a barrel by the end of the year.

I have been telling you guys this for awhile.

There are no utilities and no public transportation in this unincorporated town of a couple hundred people along a narrow road that winds through the mountains 314 miles north of Sacramento. Many people here buy gas for their vehicles and gas or diesel for generators that power their homes.

“I’m scared to death” of rising fuel prices, Hanley says. At the store, the hub for visiting whitewater rafters and residents of other isolated towns, gas cost $5.30 a gallon on a recent day when the national average was $4.07.

This community may be an extreme example of how rising gas prices are hitting rural Americans particularly hard, but people in small towns from Maine to Alaska are in a similar bind as those here.

Aunt B. wrote awhile back about how the suburbs of urban cities were also going to be hit.

I can sit and talk about this all day. I have no idea what rural Americans are going to do. My income has only gone up slightly in the past three years. My cost of living has skyrocketed. Due to a very good network of friends and family, we are doing okay.

But what about the folks that make roughly $7 bucks an hour? It might not be common in larger cities but it’s very common in rural America. Salaries are just not as high. It used to not matter. It does now. Food expenses, which have to be trucked in, have gone through the roof in small towns across this country.

The options are limited. Do folks like Squirrel Queen and I move to a place with public transportation? I took the trains and trams in Amsterdam and Montreal when I lived there. It was no problem. I actually kind of liked it.

And this happened recently. We will no longer be able to go get a Commercial Appeal (which is having it’s own problems) or a Tennessean, which will cut services to northwest Tennessee on July 27. Fuel costs are just too high although they say it’s only a “factor.” Many folks who deliver papers are subcontracted out, including route delivery people, and the cost of that I’m sure was just too much.

It’s a cost-cutting measure, of course, but it’s still frustrating. I liked the Sunday papers.

No Sunday papers in a ten-county area, gas prices looking like they’re pushing towards five bucks a gallon, and I just noticed my dog’s usual (and previously relatively inexpensive) dog food has gone up nearly an entire four dollars a bag. My salary’s certainly taken a big hit this year catastrophically – and I’m obviously not a “normal” case – but even if I was still working the same job, I’m pretty sure my salary wouldn’t have gone up much (if at all), and I imagine many others are in the same boat. What’s next? I’m honestly beginning to dread to even wonder.

What’s next?

Independence Day TennViews Edition

6 07 2008

The “let freedom ring” edition of the Tennessee progressive blog roundup with a look at what the best Tennessee bloggers are talking about this week.

But first…

SPECIAL BONUS: The progressive blog roundup made the paper in this Sunday editorial section column by Michael Silence: To the best of my knowledge, it is the strongest, or most active, coalition of bloggers in the state dealing with issues and politics. On the right side of the aisle, I’m not aware of any group blogging as widespread as the one at

We now resume our (ir)regularly scheduled program…

10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Because what is more patriotic…: … than being 110% heterosexual?

Aunt B: The Three Best Inventions: I mean, we talk a great game as a country about how families need men. But, if we’re not raising men with basic understandings of stuff, like history, like baseball, like what to do with yourself other than get into trouble, then what benefit are they to a family, really?

BlountViews: In fact, Judge Meares is part of a growing nationwide movement for judicial campaign finance reform, led by former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor who is campaigning for massive changes to the way judges get elected.

Carole Borges: Dear Keith Olbermann, please put your ego back in the box.: I have always liked Keith Olbermann’s snarky, edgy political take on the mad mad world of politics, but lately his ego seems to be getting so large it is blotting out the good points he often makes.

The Crone Speaks: Is Rush Limbaugh Worth $50 Million a year?: Seriously, this family is the poster child of everything that is wrong for the “little people” under Republican control of government, and they never saw it. Why? Because they were sucked into the rhetoric of Rush’s rhetoric.

Cup Of Joe Powell: Tennessee’s Official Rockabilly Highway: Tennessee now has an official Rockabilly Highway, thanks to efforts of those in the state legislature. On Friday, officials unveiled the signs which will now mark a 55-mile stretch of Highway 45, from Mississippi to Interstate 40. See also: The Power of Clothes

Don Williams: On Barack Obama and ‘the art of the possible’: So how does Obama repay you? He does the utterly predictable thing and steps down off the pedestal you put him on, and so you feel all betrayed.

TNDP: Lamar Alexander fails to follow through on Environmental Policies: A self-proclaimed champion of the environment, calling it one of his “passions”, Lamar’s pitiful voting record is revealed as the article garners comments from the League of Conservation Voters.

Enclave: Local Community Not Waiting for Federal Government to Address Mortgage Crisis: I don’t see anyone in Metro Nashville making these kinds of plans. We would rather subsidize our mildly supported hockey team. And, God knows, the first thing a family whose adjustable rate mortgage has just rocketed skyward wants to do is to catch a Predators’ match. See also: Liberal blog readers…

Fletch: Barefoot on the Beach

KnoxViews (Doug McDaniel): Iraq Veterans Say Wes Clark is Correct: As a veteran (Desert Storm) myself, I get cranky when Democrats tuck tail on issues related to the military. As Brandon Friedman states eloquently on the Vote Vets blog, there is no reason to cede authority on military matters just because of John McCain’s service during Vietnam. See also: Republican essay contest, and Puppy mill raid update

Lean Left: “If Waterboarding Does Not Constitute Torture, Then There Is No Such Thing as Torture”: Probably quite a lot of people would smile at the thought of Christopher Hitchens being tortured by agents of the insane and illegal war he cheered into being. It is tempting to view it as ironic justice.

Left of the Dial: Pyro Mania: Over 1,100 people bought tickets for a train ride to downtown for the city’s annual display along the Riverfront but the train only holds 750. That left many waiting at stations in Lebanon and Hermitage as a full train blew past them. And they’re pissed:

LeftWingCracker: OK Tennessee Democrats, it’s time to bring your focus back home for a minute!: We are five weeks and one day from the actual election, and two weeks and two days from the start of Early Voting in Big Shelby, and almost THREE in FIVE Democratic voters have not made up their mind?? Whatcha waitin’ on, folks, CHRISTMAS???

Liberadio(!): Who Killed Estelle Richardson?: The Davidson County Medical examiner ruled her death a homicide and her murder still remains one of Nashville’s unresolved cases. On Monday, we interviewed prison rights activist, Denver Schimming, about the case.

Newscoma: Winston Rand – He Was A Pretty Good Guy: I have to say that Winston was always kind, smart and clever. He will be missed and our thoughts and prayers go to Roomie. See also: Snickering ‘at the sheer effrontery’

The Pesky Fly: The Full DLC Looks like Obama is in full DLC play-not-to-lose mode. Let’s just hope he doesn’t go windsurfing.

Progressive Nashville: Patriotism, Part 2: Republicans look at the strength and wellbeing of America, while Democrats concentrate on the strength and wellbeing of Americans. See also: America at its best

Resonance: Monday Gloomy Economic Outlook Blogging: People (including high-ranking officials in the U.S. government) have been suggesting that the worst of the financial mess is over. It’s not. To that point, Lawrence Summers: “It is quite possible that we are now at the most dangerous moment since the American financial crisis began last August.”

RoaneViews: Pyro Patriot: West Roane Volunteer Fire Department has plenty of stuff you can blow up to show how patriotic you are. Their supplier in China is so patriotic that they blew up a whole fireworks factory.

Russ McBee : Byron Dorgan, oil speculators, and the supply question: The speculators may simply be acting as canaries in the financial coal mine, sending a message that they expect supplies to decline (and prices to skyrocket) in the near future.

Nashville for the 21st Century: Bredesen-O-Meter: Now, perhaps people won’t be stupid enough to think McCain is literally George Bush’s clone, but any careful observer could see that over the past few months Sen. McCain has abandoned his Maverick credentials in favor of adopting positions close to, or mirroring, those of the Worst President in the History of the United States.

SharonCobb: My Thoughts On Rush Limbaugh’s Record Breaking Deal Through 2016.: My first thought when I read that Rush Limbaugh has signed with Clear Channel for a gazillion dollars through 2016, is Clear Channel wants to have Rush on the air through the two terms of President Obama’s tenure in the White House to keep the fighting between the left and the right going. See also: What Does It Mean To Be Pro Israel?

Silence Isn’t Golden: Hobbsie Steps In It, Again: It must be tough to be so unable to find anything about your own candidate to praise that you’re reduced to outright lying about your opponent. See also: Advice For Someone Who Probably Won’t Take It

Southern Beale: Obama’s Faith Based Idea Will Work: Count me among those liberals welcoming Barack Obama’s announcement about giving faith-based groups a role in his administration. See also: Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

Tennessee Guerilla Women: Trouble in Obamanation: Liberal Angst: A growing number of longtime Obama supporters are withholding financial and other forms of support for Barack Obama until he comes back to the left. .. Gee, does this mean all these liberals are really Republicans? Must be! See also: Can Wives Be Presidents?

TennViews: Surprise, surprise! AT&T files first statewide cable franchise application: Yes, and thanks to the lobbyists and consultants, who include… See also: Chris Lugo on Independence Day

Vibinc: Tough Financial Medicine: So while you’re out there bitching about trials and triangulations, I know I will be, don’t forget the harsh reality that gas has surpassed the price of milk, which will most certainly start rising faster. That means everything else gets more expensive, and I need to start lobbying to allow farm animals in the city with all my backyard space. I should probably fix the fence first…

WhitesCreek Journal: Forward Backward Reverse Inward Twist: I am thinking that McCain is pretty flexible for an old person, and in order to get an adequate description of his abilities, we should be watching the Olympic Diving trials now taking place in Knoxville for some ideas.

Women’s Health News: Her Name was Esmin Green: Esmin Green sang gospel music at church. Esmin Green was a mother with six children. Esmin Green was a black woman who died on the floor of one of New York City’s public hospitals while waiting for psychiatric care and being ignored.

Head Over To This Week’s TennViews

30 06 2008

Lots going on this past week from the progressive bloggers around the state at TennViews.

Go on, get on over there.