Terms Of Use

This is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer.

This blog site is published by and reflects the personal views of the author, in her individual capacity. It does not represent the views of her employer, and is not sponsored or endorsed by them. The purpose of this blog site is, quite honestly, a tool for my own enjoyment, but no representation is made about the accuracy of the information. The information contained in this blog site is provided only as general information for entertainment purposes for the blogger’s amusement, and blog topics may or may not be updated subsequent to their initial posting.

I am the sole owner and author of this site.

Things a reader of newscoma should know:

* If you are related to me, you might want to move one. Go on. I mean it.
* If you have chosen to stay, welcome and don’t argue with me about this at family reunions.
* If you don’t like some snark, or moments of honesty as I perceive it, you might want to go here.
* I try to keep it family-friendly, but sometimes I don’t because there are times I’m in a foul mood. If you don’t like what I’m talking about or how I’m saying it, there are 50 million other blogs on the innertubes. Go check them out and then come back if you so chose. I’d love to see you again.
* Yes, I do work for a small bi-weekly newspaper in rural west Tennessee. We have good days and bad days. Newscoma and the newspaper where I’m employed are two different things. Don’t make assumptions and just ask me if you have a question if you have one.
* Yes, I like Weekly World News and if they hired me I’d move to Florida in a minute. I’m smitten with Alien Abductions, Batboy, Strange News, Incredibly large vegetables and Bigfoot.
* My blog is a personal blog and it is just that – Personal.
* Any items from other sites on this blog are intended to be used under a policy of “personal use.” The use of any trademarks or copyrighted material in the blog is not intended to infringe on the ownership of those trademarks or copyrights and is not meant for commercial use.
* The original content, well campers, that is copywritten by me, but you can have what you want as long as you link back to me. No problem. Part of being a part of a community which I absolutely adore. But also being a part of a community is to give me credit if I wrote it. If someone else did, give them the credit. I try to do that as well. If I don’t, please let me know and I will rectify the problem. I meant no harm if it did, indeed, occur.
* I post links to a great deal of online articles and resources. Let’s be clear. I have absolutely no control over other writerss’ content or belief system when I publish a post containing a link. Go at your own risk but go because I recommended it and I found value in it at the moment. Obviously there was something in it I thought was worthy and it caught my eye. Please do not hold me responsible for what other people write or think either in the future or in the past. I’m only responsible for me.
* If you send me an e-mail and ask for it to be kept private, no problem. If you send me an e-mail malicously or if it is considered a press release and if it shows up on the blog, don’t complain. It is my property at that point. You have been warned, campers.
* I am not responsible for items written in the comment section. If I find it offensive, I will delete it but as of this date, I’ve never done that I just reserve the right to do it if necessary. If you find it offensive, send me an e-mail and I’ll take it under advisement however, I believe everyone has free speech, even if I disagree with what they say, they have the right to say it. Free speech goes both ways. However, personal attacks are not allowed against my guests.
* If you are a troll and are going to insult my guests, I have no tolerance and you will be asked the first time to stop it via e-mail. A discussion and a debate is one thing, personal attacks are another.

Them there, my friends, are the rules. You don’t have to agree. It’s my blog. Discuss civilly.

    * I really hate that I had to do this, but, alas, I did. Have to protect the ‘coma. If I feel it necessary to update certain things later on, I will.

    Thanks for coming by.