Snickering ‘at the sheer effrontery’

2 07 2008

I’ve sort of being recovering from Typhoid so the idea of making a coherent sentence has been moot. But I wanted to link to a couple of things

First of all, Jim Voorhies has this:

But his point is that we’re living in a monumental definition change of what is ”the press” these days and how the old press is dealing with the advent of the new press. Conventional media has lost it’s seat as the source of news. Any of us can break a story as easily as WKRN or CBS or the Washington Post. (The only real difference is that we’ve got better taste.) And we have the potential for a substantially wider coverage than every local news outlet. If you didn’t feel all warm and comfy from the realization that we are a conglomerate, feel the power you now wield. People like Ariana Huffington are building a new world of communication. When she started, people in the conventional press snickered at the sheer effrontery.

I dig Jim.

Wait, that’s just one thing.

Bear with me campers. I feel like dried roadkill.

I’ll get back with you.

(I’m not death on a cracker. I just feel like death on a cracker. There is a difference though.)



2 responses

2 07 2008
3 07 2008

“death on a cracker”


I’m sawee you’ve been feeling like poop, Newsy.

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