Will Spider Bites Give Me Super Powers?

14 07 2008

Ahh, dear readers. Once again we return to why I haven’t been blogging today.

Well, I got bit by a Black Widow on the top of my foot. Those of you who have read me in the past know that I am somewhat phobic about spiders but I didn’t see this one. I just saw my foot swell up like a softball. It hurts but isn’t a terrible as some horror stories I’ve heard from other folks because Squirrel Queen and I were at the doctor’s office within about an hour.

Spiders wig me out.

Although this could, of course, give me spidey senses which I would willingly accept because I think I’m needed for a life of superhero-dom. I don’t think I would want to be Spiderman though. He’s too tormented.

I sort of think it would be fun to be Hellboy. I don’t know, he seems pretty clear in his intentions. I like that. He also has cool friends and drinks a lot of beer.

Yeah, Hellboy. I just like him.

Why am I on this tangent?

The drugs, I remember now. And Hellboy is on television. There could be thread to all of this.

Been an odd summer.

Photo credit