Charles Manson Back In News

17 03 2008


When I was a kid, the book “Helter Skelter” was huge. As my mother let me read anything I wanted to, I dove in.

And it freaked me out.

So it’s an odd thing to see Charles Manson in the news again today.

And apparently all the rumors of there being additional victims, now 40 years later, is back in the news as it appears there is going to be a dig after researchers.

Last month, equipped with cutting-edge forensic technology, the investigators assembled in the ghost town of Ballarat for a 20-mile ride in all-terrain vehicles to the ranch.

The team included two national lab researchers carrying instruments to detect chemical markers of human decomposition, a police investigator with a cadaver-seeking dog, and an anthropologist armed with a magnetic resonance reader.

Tennessee has a huge connection here as researchers, Arpad Vass and Marc Wise, from Oak Ridge are assisting on the search.

Vass said that, considering the quantity and the types of markers of human decomposition found, the cadaver dog’s response, and the probing exercise, he found enough evidence to warrant further testing at a deeper level and a full scale excavation at Barker Ranch, according to the report he issued to law enforcement.

“I’d recommend a dig, excavate the sites,” said Dostie, who reviewed the report.

But if a body is found on the Barker Ranch, then what?

Lots going on here.

There’s more at CNN.

I remember thinking, when I was a child, that this was one of the most terrifying things I’d ever heard of. I was a child but our country was horrified and mesmerized with Manson and the family.

And it may not be over.



5 responses

17 03 2008

Eeeek. I was ‘askeered to even read this.
That man is creeeepy!

17 03 2008

Amazing. I was a little girl when Jane Pauley (or whichever reporter it was, I don’t remember) interviewed him. My parents being of the same ilk as yours, apparently, I watched and was absolutely fascinated (and have remained so ever since). Unfortunately, that also meant lying awake at night in my bed by the window, knowing he’d get me first when he came in.

You gotta hand it to him, though not in any sort of positive way, obviously–he’s haunted, absolutely chilled, a nation for 40 years now. It’s this kind of notoriety he was going for.

17 03 2008
Charlie Don’t Blog | Hear ItFrom.Us

[…] But NewsComa does, and she has a post about some new evidence coming to light against Manson after all these years, along with something lots of us can relate to… I remember thinking, when I was a child, that this was one of the most terrifying things I’d ever heard of. I was a child but our country was horrified and mesmerized with Manson and the family. […]

17 03 2008

double yikes! I wouldn’t be surprised if they did find more bodies.

30 08 2008

The only way this case will ever be over is when all the members of Manson’s Family are dead. Not only Manson but his followers brought so much death and destruction to people, and had the gall to laugh about it. I too would not be surprised if they found human remains.

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