Steve Cohen And I’m Just Damned Late About It All

15 02 2008

I’ve been a busy beaver the last few days and on top of it all, I’m on Meth Benedryl, the lovely drug that makes me somewhat of a snot-filled goddess.

Notice I said goddess. I didn’t mean it but you know, we have to keep up illusions.

But this is just so damned ridiculous I just can’t even speak and I’m late out of the gate in crying foul. As many of you know, I adore Steve Cohen. I hope he throws a stick at this whole situation.


I can’t believe that crap like this still exists but every time I think we have moved forward I’m reminded that we haven’t. If you are AGAINST a candidate, go after their policies, how they vote or how they wear bad ties. (Steve, I like your ties. Seriously. And I’ve met you and you smelled pretty good. And you were the first politician to call me Newscoma after I introduced myself which wigged me out.) Okay, I dig Cohen. I’m being transparent here.

With that said, Christian Grantham has a pretty good rundown of national media covering this. And here is the Commercial Appeal story (once again, I’m a day late and a dollar short.)

Nikki, I don’t know you from Adam. I’m sure you are kind to puppies, like a good Cafe Latte and have a good heart, but, baby, you need to condemn this immediately.

Right. Right. We all agree then, so we have that going for us.

And a little blurb isn’t going to get it and GoldnI painstakingly found but it isn’t good enough. Nikki, you need to denounce this in a big way.I mean you said “My faith teaches me to love, not hate,” said Tinker, who is Christian.” but I just don’t think that’s enough. Nice enough but not enough. Was that it? Seriously, someone tell me.

But the AP ran a story yesterday that said this:

The Anti-Defamation League issued a statement from Atlanta describing the flier as an attempt “to incite tension between the Memphis African-American and Jewish communities.”

The flier, which was also sent by mail to the Memphis Jewish Federation, included a contact name, the Rev. George Brooks, and a phone number in Murfreesboro, a town near Nashville and some 200 miles outside Cohen’s district.

A woman who would only identify herself as a friend of Brooks answered a call to the number and said he was out of town. Repeated subsequent calls went unanswered and messages were unreturned.

Now, why is a dude from Murfreesboro getting into Memphis politics? I’ve seen flyers like the one above by Fred Phelps.

Sharon Cobb had it first (sorry I’m so late on this.)

Update: Wait, I’m adding Vibinc because he said Tony Alamo and is, as usual, right.




5 responses

15 02 2008

Thank you…

15 02 2008
Volunteer Voters » Coma On Cohen

[…] Newscoma may be late to the game but she does have say on the story of the Steve Cohen antisemitic flier: I can’t believe that crap like this still exists but every time I think we have moved forward I’m reminded that we haven’t. If you are AGAINST a candidate, go after their policies, how they vote or how they wear bad ties. Read the whole thing. Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

17 02 2008
Those Pesky Tennessee Liberals « Newscoma

[…] NewsComa: “Oswald Still Dead”, and I can’t believe that crap like this still exists but every time I think we have moved forward I’m reminded that […]

17 02 2008

Doesn’t it suck that you have to take trash like this seriously? When it’s not worth using to clean your shoes after a walk outside the dog park.

17 02 2008

Agreed, B.
It is a pile of crap, no doubt.

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