I Need To Start My Own Hippie Newspaper

25 06 2008

I’d make a fortune.



One response

26 06 2008

I reckon if you started writing these fellas (or “people,” as they say in the city) while they’re still serving time in prison, they could file their first series of stories right from their cells. You might need someone to transcribe for you. I reckon I could help you there. Sometimes I can type faster than my brain can think. If you need samples, just go over yonder to AuntB’s place. Shoooweee. They were clawing at my face faster than I could cram a tuna sandwich in it. 😉

Anyway, prisoners make about 8 cents an hour sewing prison garments, according to Kentucky State prisoner Fleece Johnson. You could get a story for about 34 cents. And forget pushing that through a printing press. You got the Internets!

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