Bigfoot Declares Himself Winner

30 12 2007

There was a battle I missed. I’m saddened by this as I’ve been busy, there are still roughly 1, 268 unread blog posts in my reader and yet, I feel sad because I let my big guy down.

Bigfoot lost to Yeti on the Doodle-Monkey blog during the year-end election.


It’s all my fault. If only I’d supported Bigfoot. If only I’d known. Stupid non-virtual life getting in the way of important matters.


But then again, Bigfoot took honors anyway citing he was, indeed, the self-declared winner.

Kinda like George Bush in 2000.

I ❤ Doodle-Monkey.

The Swagger Photo

22 12 2007
The reason why Badger Beth is good is that she got my chin and hair perfectly.