BlogDay ’08

31 08 2008

It’s a meme but it’s also a good one so here is how it works.

What is BlogDay?

BlogDay was created with the belief that bloggers should have one day dedicated to getting to know other bloggers from other countries and areas of interest. On that day Bloggers will recommend other blogs to their blog visitors.
With the goal in mind, on this day every blogger will post a recommendation of 5 new blogs. This way, all blog readers will find themselves leaping around and discovering new, previously unknown blogs.

What will happen on BlogDay?

one long moment on August 31st, bloggers from all over the world will post recommendations of 5 new Blogs, preferably Blogs that are different from their own culture, point of view and attitude. On this day, blog readers will find themselves leaping around and discovering new, unknown Blogs, celebrating the discovery of new people and new bloggers.

BlogDay posting instructions:

  1. Find 5 new Blogs that you find interesting
  2. Notify the 5 bloggers that you are recommending them as part of BlogDay 2008
  3. Write a short description of the Blogs and place a link to the recommended Blogs
  4. Post the BlogDay Post (on August 31st) and
  • Add the BlogDay tag using this link: and a link to the BlogDay web site at
  • Here are my five:

    • Rhino Legs: I love the way Melissa says exactly what she means. It’s a good read, uncensored and unapologetic.
    • Beth Spotswood is hysterical at I’ll Flip You. Flip You For Real. Snarky, smart and an incredible read from San Francisco. Put her in your reader now.
    • The Mystery of the Haunted Vampire is so awesomely awesome that I find myself melting into his wonderfulness every time he posts.
    • I’m an Older Chick and occasionally I have special needs so I go to get my midlife breakdowny stuff at Mid Life Bloggers. Shut up.
    • She’s on the Right side of the political aisle. I’m Left but I feel a connection. We may not be voting for the same guy for president, but we still have a lot in common as we grow older fabulously. So, hit the Ol’ Broad’s place because she’s got a good sense of humor.

    I haven’t done a meme in a while. That was fun.



    3 responses

    31 08 2008
    Important Info , An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings

    […] Off Topic:  How neat!  She named me as a blog to check out.  I thank ya ma’am!  Yep, we are definitely from different sides of the political spectrum, […]

    31 08 2008

    Congratulations! Through the magic of “the internets” I was led to your blog and thus nominated your blog, on my blog, as part of the whole “Blog Day ’08” effort. Thanks for the info and for having an interesting blog to read!

    2 09 2008

    Thanks so much for the link!!!

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