Chantal Sebire

1 03 2008

The next time I start feeling sorry for myself, I need to go read the story of Chantal Sebire.


 I worry about the most trite, silly things sometimes.

It makes you think.



34 responses

14 03 2008

por dios! que sufrimiento ta grande para esa señora y su familia…que dios los bendiga y les de mucha fuerza

14 03 2008
Tim Busse

Before you do a thing try;

I have seen miracles happening.

Love, Tim

14 03 2008


15 03 2008

Esta pobre mujer tiene un sufrimento inconmensurable. Dejamola hacer lo que cualquiera persona pensaría y haría si fuera en ella. La eutanasia tiene que ser un derecho de todos.

17 03 2008

Dear Chantal,

I and a group of friends have just commenced a prayer chain network who have begun praying for you. Healing is in the hands of our Lord and we leave it to Him to decide When and How He wants to heal you. I have made an effort to translate this into French though this may not mean the same. Apologies for that. I want you to believe that Christian Faith is unlike what the magician tells you. See this magic and you will believe. Rather the Christian faith is all about believing and seeing miracles. If you have faith as little as a mustard seed, you will see mountains moved. Your cancerous growth can be cleansed with the faith that you can have in the Lord Jesus.

Prayers in Jesus Christy

Cher Chantal, I et un groupe d’amis ont juste débuté un réseau de chaîne de prière qui ont commencé la prière pour vous. Curatif est aux mains de notre seigneur et nous le soin lui laissons pour décider quand et comment il veut vous guérir. J’ai fait un effort de traduire ceci en Français bien que ceci puisse ne pas signifier la même chose. Excuses pour cela. Je veux que vous croyiez que la foi chrétienne est différente ce que le magicien vous dit. Voyez que ces magie et vous croire. Plutôt la foi chrétienne est tout au sujet de croire et de voir des miracles. Si vous avez la foi aussi peu comme graine de moutarde, vous verrez des montagnes déplacées. Votre croissance cancéreuse peut être nettoyée avec la foi que vous pouvez avoir dans le seigneur Jésus.

17 03 2008

Tout d’abord, nous tenons à te dire que nous te soutenons dans la prière. Dieu , le Père à tant aimé le monde qu’il donna son fils Jésus-Christ afin que quiconque croit en lui et l’invoque soit sauvé. Nous voulons te dire simplement dans l’intimité de ton coeur d’invoquer le Seigneur Jésus-Christ et de lui demander de venir à ton secours. Crois nous, Il le fera. car Jésus-Christ est vivant et Tout Puissant. ce qui est impossible aux hommes est possible à Dieu par son fils Jésus-Christ. crois seulement Chantal et tu verras la Gloire de Dieu. nous ne te parlons pas de religion ni de fables mais du Dieu vivant et vrai et de son fils unique Jésus-Christ par qui Il donne la vie. Nous sommes tous deux de tout coeur avec toi et te disons de ne pas te donner la mort car ce n’est pas du tout le dessein de Dieu. Laisse Dieu te sauver au travers de son fils Jésus-Christ. Si tu as une bible lis le psaume 31

17 03 2008

Dios la bendiga y le de fuerzas hasta el final, estamos con ella en el sufrimiento causado por este terrible mal!!!…

18 03 2008

Cualquiera que sea su decision, es justa y valida, le deceos mucha suerte.

18 03 2008

People, people, people. This is a blog site where the author has merely commented about the story. This site has no relation to Chantal Sebire!

That said, I think the author is quite correct; it does make you think how trite many of our own problems are…

18 03 2008
daniel pomies

Querida Chantal: deja que los crédulos recen por ti. Mientrastanto tu vete a Suiza a morir con dignidad, como un ser humano, no como un animal.
Dios hace tiempo que nos abandonó.

Let the naïve pray for you. Meanwhile go to Switzerland to die with dignity, like a human being deserve to die, not just like a helpless animal.
God abandonned us a long time ago.

18 03 2008
Tizi Volp

If we understand the law of cause and effect and believe in reincarnation, we understand that what is apparently unfair may be due to karma….

La loi causale du karma peut expliquer ce qui ne nous semble pas juste…

Ecoutez la Loi Universelle sur Radio Santec. Ca explique tout ca.

19 03 2008

She has passed away today.

19 03 2008
Tommy Fróði, from Faroe Islands

Chantal Sébire may you R.I.P.

19 03 2008
Chantal Sebire, Rest In Peace « Newscoma

[…] May you rest in peace. […]

19 03 2008
NEWS FLASH: Chantal Sebire dies at home « The Sagamore Journal

[…] the delay on the Englishman Catapult-wielder story – is news of the death of French cancer patient Chantal Sebire at her home […]

20 03 2008

‘Healing is in the hands of our Lord and we leave it to Him to decide When and How He wants to heal you’ – how can you people believe in such a thing. There is no god.

20 03 2008

I understand the need to try to find comfort in imaginary friends, but Artur is right ~ there is no god.

20 03 2008

There is a God. My daughter had a rare form of cancer eleven years and is free of it today. I believe because I see things that are occurring today is written in the Bible. People suffer from so many ailments. It’s up to the God if we should be healed – death comes in many forms when its time.

I agree with those who say that when we feel sorry for ourselves, all you have to do is read stories like this. My prayers go out for the family who had to endure the suffering and loss of Chantal Sebire.

20 03 2008

Turning to religious explanations is a way of coping for some. Still, no incurable, terminal disease has been cured miraculously. We are not imortal, of course people die unfairly, but that’s just evolution, it doesn’t just stop to wait for divinity to heal or “save”.

20 03 2008

Our physical bodies were not meant to last, they are only temporary. Chantal’s suffering is over now and she is in the care of our Heavenly Father. Her face was disfigured but her soul is perfect. God Bless you, Chantal.

20 03 2008

christy – looks like your prayer chain is rusty.
so much for cleansing her cancer – guess the lords hands were full.


20 03 2008
Patrick O'Neil

There is no god. And never was.
It is Chantal that died for our sins.

20 03 2008
Patrick O'Neil

I love your comme

20 03 2008

People who doesn’t experience what she went through are the ones suggesting that we should pray for comfort. It is not fair and is inhumane to let a human been take her own life when we should’ve help her to to do it on her terms. It’s call COMPASSION. Where was a god, any god, when she was suffering? God took care of her letting her suffer like that? Serious doubts about the existence of God. I only hope that she was not alone when she took her life.

20 03 2008

Dear Chantal,

I and a group of friends have just commenced a prayer chain network who have begun praying for you. Healing is in the hands of our Lord and we leave it to Him to decide When and How He wants to heal you. I have made an effort to translate this into French though this may not mean the same. Apologies for that. I want you to believe that Christian Faith is unlike what the magician tells you. See this magic and you will believe. Rather the Christian faith is all about believing and seeing miracles. If you have faith as little as a mustard seed, you will see mountains moved. Your cancerous growth can be cleansed with the faith that you can have in the Lord Jesus.

Prayers in Jesus Christy

Cher Chantal, I et un groupe d’amis ont juste débuté un réseau de chaîne de prière qui ont commencé la prière pour vous. Curatif est aux mains de notre seigneur et nous le soin lui laissons pour décider quand et comment il veut vous guérir. J’ai fait un effort de traduire ceci en Français bien que ceci puisse ne pas signifier la même chose. Excuses pour cela. Je veux que vous croyiez que la foi chrétienne est différente ce que le magicien vous dit. Voyez que ces magie et vous croire. Plutôt la foi chrétienne est tout au sujet de croire et de voir des miracles. Si vous avez la foi aussi peu comme graine de moutarde, vous verrez des montagnes déplacées. Votre croissance cancéreuse peut être nettoyée avec

well christy i see your prayer circle worked real well. shes dead.

20 03 2008

You mean that you’re going to remember how she first tried to get a court order to approve her request for an assisted suicide or that, failing that attempt, she apparently killed herself? Yeah, really uplifting story you got there.

20 03 2008
Durkhrod Chogori

Goodbye Chantal, I hope you will learn your lesson in your next life. I wish you the best in your journey. Love and peace.

Condolences to her family.

With Metta.

20 03 2008

When people make decisions, they are either influenced by reason or emotion. I believe Chantel was influenced by both. For reason, there is no present cure. For emotion, anyone can imagine how she would be treated in public. Whether people would sympathize or disgusted, I don’t think she or anyone in her position can take the impact. I understand why she chose to commit suicide, but neither I nor anyone will know the pain that she went through.

As for religious aspect that I’ve seen on some of the comment, sometimes people rely too much on God for miracles that they forget that they have to work for it. A person who lost a leg will still find a way to walk and get to places, or a blind man doesn’t need to see tears to know when a person is sad. For me, those are miracles because they can still manage even though they are disabled.

If every miracle wasn’t worked for and God grants every single prayer, then I would’ve had my abs a long time ago. Whether people believe in God or not, we still need to work for what we want to know what its worth.

20 03 2008

This makes me so angry.

When I first read this story and viewed the pictures, I was driven to tears. We should all be thankful for what we have and should smite ourselves (figuratively of course) for our petty concerns.

Then I read the comments here and became infuriated. Your stupid prayers did not and will not help Ms Sebire. There is no benevolent daddy in the sky who’s going to make everything all right – in this life or any other. Because of religion/faith/spirituality and all it’s horrible history, this poor woman suffered far more than she should have.

20 03 2008

Just a reminder.
I love that everyone has a place for their opinion, but I don’t post anonymous comments.
Carry on, but just realize that everyone else here is human and has feelings.
Let’s keep it clean and respectful.

21 03 2008
Phil Lee

Until we teach Love, compassion and aid yopung people to really understand power and it’s various abuses at a young age and enourage self responsible thinking we as a race will never “see” beyond the image presented.

Chantal Sebire had wisdom within her – the fact she chose to leave us is a sad testiment to our frailties and lack of the above – rest in peace.

Share the love – we are only here a short while make the most of it.

21 03 2008

WOW – stumbled on this site in connection with Chantal’s death. I must say I had no idea there were so many sensible people out there. You are probably not Americans, you posters who say there is no god. It is so overwhelmingly evident there is no god! And if there is, we’d be much better off without a god, since he/she/it is obviously an unjust sadist who likes to inflict random pain and suffering to random people around the world, and sparing or “healing” random others thru “miracles!”. I understand too the need for imaginary friends sparked by fear of the inexplicable, but get real folks! Organized religion is the plague of our time, and has been thruout the times!

21 03 2008

To Chantal and her family, I am very sorry for the pain and suffering you had to go through for these past 8 years. My deepest condoleances.

To some of the contributors above, I do not believe in God nor the power of prayer, and I may or may not believe in euthanasia, but I do believe everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, and should be respected and not judged, even if you do not share nor understand their vision, they are not imposing it on you and they mean well (and I am not talking about legislative issues, just emotional support for her family). Religous/spiritual/athiest people are all just as entitled to provide supporting words to Chantal and her family. It’s not about us and what we believe or not believe in, or what we believe to be right or wrong, but about expressing our common compassion, sadness, and support for another human being going through an extruciatingly difficult time.


A Chantal et sa famille, je suis vraiment desolee pour votre douleur et chagrin pendant 8ans. Mes sinceres condoleances.

A certains des autres contributeurs, je ne crois ni en Dieu ni en la priere, et peut-etre ou peut-etre pas en l’euthanasie, mais je crois q chacun a le droit a ses propres opinions et croyances, et dois respecter les autres et non pas les juger pour ces croyances, meme si on n’est pas d’accord ou on ne les comprends pas. Tous les contributeurs sur cette page partagent le meme sentiment de chagrin, n’importe la maniere dont ils l’expriment. Les personnes religieuses/spirituelles/athees ont toutes le meme droit d’exprimer leur support envers Chantal et sa famille (legislativement, c’est une autre histoire). Ne tournous pas cette histoire en un guerre de moralite et de spiritualite, mais tournonsla en examples de compassion, tristesse et support communs entre nous tous envers un autre etre humain qui vient de passer 8 ans en agonie.

25 03 2008

Today I have learned that I have to extend my prayers for more people out there who have not come to know The Holy God and His Almighty power. As my Lord stated on the cross “Father forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.”

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