Ronnie And Ben On Make Me A Supermodel

17 02 2008

I know I lose cool points. I don’t think I ever really had cool points but I can dream, can’t I?
My fascination with Bravo reality shows is an odd thing that sometimes surprises myself and I have no excuse. No excuse whatsoever so if you are unduly offended and thinking I’m an odd, freaky geek with frizzy hair, you win the Buick.

Of course, I have no Buick to give you but consider yourself the winner.

An article on Entertainment Weekly got me to thinking, which is a very dangerous thing to do, mainly because reality television and formulating thought usually isn’t something that happens simultaneously.

You see, the thing about the article is that some aspects of reality television have really helped gay and bisexual people.


It’s actually true.


Case example is the budding “bromance” of gay Ronnie and straight (via Nashville and Louisiana) Ben DiChiara. Ronnie is enamoured with Ben. Ben is married to a cute little ol’ thing. And, they are buddies and so damned cute together that it’s amazing. Ben doesn’t care. Ronnie doesn’t care. They are individuals, one who happens to be a homosexual and the other one isn’t, who have a great deal of affection towards each other. Ben doesn’t run away from the flirting and flirts right back. Ronnie is more than aware that he’s not going to get Ben but they compliment each other without much fanfare.

And as the article said, they are just plum cute.

And this would most likely not have happened on television 15 years ago. And networks are also still behind, if you ask me which you didn’t, in their portrayal of gay people although Torchwood (BBC) has recently gone over the bend in portraying a pansexual cast of people (that will hump anything I might add.) Stereotypes are one thing, real folks are completely another. So, for once, the organic process of how people deal with each other is happening on …

Reality Television.

The article is spot on. From the days of Pedro Zamora on Real World 3 to Chet, who is gay, gay, gay and nobody gives a crap because the castaways are too busy trying to build a damned fire so they can eat some roasted coconut on this season’s version of Survivor, reality television has bridged a gap where gay folks are just part of the society/community.

Just like real life, campers.

Photo credit



11 responses

17 02 2008

I must say that 99% of all “reality” television gets on my nerves at this point minus American Idol and that love affair is waning as well. I used to love Real World when it started, I used to love Survivor. None of these actually entertain me anymore. I want substance, I want story, I want board room created drama, I want Doctor Who. It always comes back to the BBC doesn’t it?

17 02 2008

Actually, it isn’t as fun as it once was.

Yes… it always comes back to the BBC. Thank goodness for BBC America and YouTube. 😉

17 02 2008

Ahh, Pedro Zamora. How I remember him.

I was a young’un when he took MTV by storm. I was enthralled by “The Real World,” and all that it was then, not what it is today.

Of course, I loathe today’s most popular reality shows, those prime time hits discussed over the water cooler the next morning. I much prefer such gems as “The Girls Next Door,” “Dress My Nest,” “House Hunters” and “Ace of Cakes.”

This most assuredly reveals too many of my secrets. But guilty pleasures, when outed, tend to do that.

(Ohhh, and P.S. Does anyone remember Eric Nies in the first season of “The Real World” in NYC? I was about 13. *swoon*)

20 02 2008

You’ve got to be kidding?? REALITY TELEVISION?? Only the very young who haven’t yet learned to think for themselves, or those who truly believe ‘if it’s on TV, IT MUST BE TRUE’ will believe this is reality. The correct name for this crap is Engineered Television, because the circumstances could only occur due to the networks and sponsors behind them that are trying to create unrealistic drama.

As for Ronnie, I was bored and saw some reruns of IWBAS. Part of the community (West Hollywood comes to mind – what a pit!)?? yeah if you’re a girly boy who cries over a fashion show and is into doing pics that border on soft core porn. And whether it’s at the direction of the producers, or real feelings on Ronnie’s part, he made it very clear that he was ‘very serious about about Ben and had strong feelings for him.’ I wouldn’t be surprised if the show had Ronnie try to force himself on Ben to create more drama. They share the same room… coincidence or set up? you make the call

Like I said, I was bored and saw 3 episodes while ironing clothes. After that I couldn’t take no more – the show is steaming pile of (beeep) and made me feel scummy. No surprise from a Network like Bravo which caters to lowered expectations. I saw the garbage for myself – I hit it and am soooooo glad to quit it! This post has let me get it out of my system. Thanks!

20 02 2008

Whoa. I think I’m very clear on how you feel. Glad you got it out of your system.

24 02 2008

i really enjoy reality tv, iwbas, is one of my favs. i realize, “reality tv” is scripted, but it is for entertainment purposes. if u keep that in mind, and take it for what it is, its very enjoyable. ronnie and ben are my favorites and yes its because of their situation. i cant wait to see what happens. i think that nashville boy will make the switch, and who could blame him. ronnie is the best looking thing on my tv and computer.

28 02 2008

Do Ronnie and Ben have a bromance or bro-momance?
Vote at

19 03 2008

i love ben and ronnie. i just want to the vote for them both. they’re hottie guyz.

21 03 2008

I love Ronnie and Ben they are such all americans who has big dreams, and I think that’s what makes me vote for them time after time abnd initialy what draws me to them.

4 05 2008

I benefited from the Supermodel show in an unusual way. I suffer from Parkinson’s. While the show was running I learned that those with Parkinson’s need to practice walking as if on the runway in order to stave off the stooping effects of the disease. Everyday now when I walk my mile, I work on my posture and imagine myself being Ben. Thank you, Ben.

16 08 2008

i looooooooooooooove this reality show!!!!111111
i love Ronnie and Ben and Perry, Shannon and Jacki!
i love you guys! you’re wonderful! i don’t want the show be over !

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