Where I Sneeze Through My Cyber Confessional

26 11 2007

Okay, I’ve been tagged twice and I’m stepping up to the plate to meet the challenge from our cyber friends (not to be confused with Cyber Monday) Lee at Digital Nicotine and the fine folks (Bad Bad Ivy) at Shakhammer.

As I’m in a cold medicine coma (ha, ha, ha, I’m a laugh riot) and delirious beyond any possible good taste or decorum, let’s play:

1) Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
2) Share 7 facts about yourself.
3) Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
4) Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I can do this, man. I’m the little train that could tonight.

  1.  I’m a social person, but when I want time by myself, I will cut you. I’m very weird about my alone time and I enjoy being alone. It took me until I was about 25-year-old to realize there was a difference between lonely and alone. It was one of the best lessons I have ever learned.
  2. I used to watch network news compulsively. I don’t anymore mainly because I get tired of celebrity non-news (although some of it amuses me), I got tired of plastic anchors on the tube and I realized in the last eight years that mainstream news doesn’t always police itself but instead is beholden, at times not always, to corporate interests sometimes more than the right to know. I got disgusted. I still watch, but I try to verify things for myself if I’m interested.
  3. I hate being late. I try to be places a little bit early. It really bugs me. I guess it’s because my life has been filled with work that has deadlines, which was especially beat into my skull when I was in radio news. Those 30 minute news broadcasts will make you nuts and I do, thank you very much, know how to time myself up to the clock. You guys in radio know what that means.
  4. I try not to judge people, but I do because I’m human. When people are different from me, I try very diligently not to make a judgment call and I try to give people the benefit of the doubt because I don’t know there back story. I think it’s why I get along with conservatives pretty well. I do believe we can agree to disagree. I will, however judge folks, who smell funny. Yeah, I said I was human.
  5. I really want a vacation that lasts a week or two where I actually go somewhere. It’s been years since that’s happened. Not just two days here or five days there. I want a vacation which is an adventure. Money has been tighter in recent years and I haven’t gotten to do that as in awhile.
  6. One of my grandfathers was a plumber. The other grandfather was a rural delivery guy for the post office and owned a farm. (We used to play in small buildings on what we called the “pig lot.”) They were important to me, and I miss them.
  7. I like linking to and reading new blogs. I like to see people moving outside their comfort zone because I think doing that is a good thing. A couple of folks gave me a chance, so I try to pay it forward. I’m not always as much on top of it as I should be, but I try. Everyone deserves a chance, even if it’s from a C-lister like me.

So, there you go. Meme brain dump for your Monday night enjoyment.

I’m tagging Chris, Scout, Finn, LeBlanc, Killa, Squirrel Queen, and Badger.

Now, my friends, I must go sneeze due to my crappy cold.



3 responses

26 11 2007
Me(me), A Name I Call Myself « A Natural Deficiency Of Moral Fiber

[…] A Name I Call Myself Well I haven’t done a meme in a long time so since ‘Coma hit me I will comply. The problems with memes is that when I have to think of “things about […]

26 11 2007
Jeffraham Prestonian

You know what I love most about this new blog schema? When you click the “comments” linkie, it takes you directly to the comments, instead of making ya scroll through the entire post to get to ’em.

That rewls.

27 11 2007

Why thank ya.

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