Be Nice About It, MMKay

9 05 2007

Random Thoughts on Hump Day:

The nieces do not want to go to school. I feel their pain as I do not want to go to work. I would love to sit around all day (I realized that I’ve never seen The View so the whole Rosie thing leaving has no impact on my life whatsoever) and do absolutely nothing. BTW, did I mention that Squirrel Queen is my hero this morning?  Also, I realized yesterday when one of my employees was listening to her beloved country music that I really don’t like that Carrie Underwood song about beating up a car.

Bear has a cell phone. It rang yesterday and I heard “If you ain’t got no money take your broke ass home” before it went into “Glamorous” by Fergie. (Note to self – Ask Homer about this.)

In an unofficial survey I did last night that means I had more than two beers with a variety of people, Fred Thompson was mentioned the most for president. This concerned me. I am already so tired of the presidential race I want to scream. When I was asked who I was for president, I said “I DON’T KNOW YET.” Yeah, with capital letters and everything.

Gots the tireds. Remind me again I’m not 21 years-old. Yeah, I forget that too.

I’ve been so slammed into the wall that I haven’t had time to peruse around the blogosphere. I asked my sister, who watches American Idol, how they did. She said “That Barry Gibb is the craziest man in show business.”  My response “How do you know that?”  She said “I just made it up. I didn’t see it last night.” Thus, Homer goes around making stuff up, but it made me laugh.”

Now don’t harp on me, but I’m going to try to quit smoking. Again.
Which means some habit changes. I’m going to lie these bastards down after work on Friday. That will give me two days of being psychotic with my family. I’m going to also use patches which are bought and waiting. I’ve also been looking at picture of diseased lungs ’cause I really want to freak myself out. I will need a slinky to play with (I did quit smoking before and the slinky helped me with my hands.) My plan is to avoid the local taverns, and sadly, other smokers, for awhile.  Please leave me some positive feedback in the comments about how to throw these down. The reason I’m waiting until Friday is I don’t want to Hari Kari anyone the next three work days. If I make it a month, I’m going to give myself a gift of a new cell phone. This is my plan. It will also make SQ and Homer very happy.

I tried this before. I only made it three weeks last year. Just over the smoking thing, the mid-life crisis thing and, oh yeah, the White House Administration which just gets on my ever-loving nerves.



19 responses

9 05 2007

You go!!!

It finally stuck for me on my 4th try. The patches worked wonders for me.

And I did this during the 1992 election. 🙂

9 05 2007

Thanks Slarti.
Sorta nervous about failing. But I’m feeling pretty determined.

9 05 2007

I worked with a chick one time who wore two patches at first to quit smoking. She was so much friendlier and nice we figured that getting a steady stream of nicotine all the time actually leveled her out. Here’s hoping it works the same for you.

9 05 2007

You can do it, I’m rooting for you. You’ll feel better in the long run…

9 05 2007
Nashville is Talking » Smokeless in Hooterville

[…] Go, ‘Coma, go! No one can save your life but you: Now don’t harp on me, but I’m going to try to quit smoking. Again. Which means some habit changes. I’m going to lie these bastards down after work on Friday. That will give me two days of being psychotic with my family. I’m going to also use patches which are bought and waiting. I’ve also been looking at picture of diseased lungs ’cause I really want to freak myself out. I will need a slinky to play with (I did quit smoking before and the slinky helped me with my hands.) My plan is to avoid the local taverns, and sadly, other smokers, for awhile. Please leave me some positive feedback in the comments about how to throw these down. […]

9 05 2007

Go ‘Coma! You can do it.

You might want to give yourself some motivation.

I quite smoking almost a year ago. I traded my cancer sticks for my motorcycle payment. Of course, I am no less likely to die young now, but I will have more fun doing it.

9 05 2007
Vol Abroad

My tip is use the patches (or gum – I used the gum) as a totally stop gap measure. They are only there to wean you off the physical effects of the nicotine. It will take about two weeks for the physical cravings to end. Those two weeks suck. (you’ve probly quit before, so you know all this – but it always helped me to remind myself). Get yourself off the patches as soon as you can, so you can concentrate on the next big step – cracking the mental addiction.

You’ve already got a good distraction mechanism that you know works for you – the slinky. That’s good for the hand, what about the oral? I used cups of camomile tea or diet sprite. The tea’s good because it’s calming and just like smoking there’s a little ritual to complete.

Those are my tips. And now I’ll just wish you good luck.

9 05 2007

Good luck! I’m thinking of giving it a shot, myself. Next year. For Lent, since I give up drinkin’ then, anyway.

But I found these doodads the other day, and they look like they’d help me, since I like having something to do with my hands.

9 05 2007

Thanks to all of you. All the help I can get is greatly appreciated.

9 05 2007

You can do it! Really, you can. Get your support system ready – call someone when you’re in the middle of a craving – it’ll occupy your hands, mouth, and mind, and bam, you’ll be through it. Remember – a craving only lasts three minutes, so just concentrate on getting through that and you’re golden.

After a couple weeks, let a smoker breathe on you. It’s really pretty gross. I also loved They’ll email you reminders and congratulations – it worked wonderfully for me.

Hang in there – an hour eventually turns into a day, and a day eventually turns into a week and a week turns into a month and then you’re well on your way to being a nonsmoker. You’re allowed to be a bitch and gain weight while you’re getting there, too. Bonus!

Email me if there anything at all that I can do!

9 05 2007
Busy Mom

You know why I’m rooting for you.

9 05 2007

See, Busy Mom, there in lies so much guilt for me and why I need to do this.

9 05 2007

I quite a little over 3 years ago and I smoked for over 20 years. I quite “cold turkey” and never looked back. You can do this. You can!

9 05 2007

I’m behind you all the way, girl. Maybe if you can quit, I’ll think about quitting. I’m not sure. I really hate being a quitter. 😉

9 05 2007

That’s what I say about beer.
Mmmm, beer.

9 05 2007
Katherine Coble

Don’t be nervous about failing. Trying is it’s own reward for things like this…it’s a hard road and going even one step down it qualifies as its own success.

And seeing as how this present administration has tempted me to take UP smoking, I can’t say I blame you.

Hang in there, and when in doubt turn to cheese. It soothes all ailments.

9 05 2007

Cheese is so of the good.
Proscuitto (sp) and cheese.

9 05 2007
For NewsComa & Others Of Interest « Just Another Pretty Farce

[…] Coble Smoke if you want. Quit if you want. I’ll support you either way. But since the ‘Coma wants to quit, I have to help her the best way I know […]

9 05 2007

cut drinking straws in half..they help with the hand mouth thing.

go sign up at quitnet or something like it.

Craves are like two year olds. If you give into one, they’ll only keep coming back – stronger.

Read Allan Carr’s book -” easy way to stop smoking” I don’t buy into all of it, but it sure helped me to understand the anatomy of a quit.


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