16 Months To Lose The Baby Weight

30 05 2008

You know, I’ve never had kids but if I did I would be a saint. (Yeah, the plumbing is gone.) I had the infamous Ednaectomy. Go here if you are so inclined. Or go look at this platypus.

I always give choices.


She speaks the truth.

Well ladies, this is how long it took me to take off all the baby weight. Sixteen months. I did not wear my jeans out of the hospital, I did not lose the “fat face” the minute I gave birth, I was not able to eat whatever I wanted just because I was breast feeding, and I could not climb back on a tread mill right after Hank was born. I needed quite a while to heal.

Are you listening? Sixteen months. For me, that’s how long it took. Sixteen months and quite a bit of help from Weight Watchers online. It’s not true for everybody, but it is true for lots of folks. So put down the issue of People magazine, and turn away from all the moms on E! who got their bodies back a month later. If you’re feeling bummed about your gut, get yourself some flattering dresses, and give yourself a little time.

Now I’m not giving up the beer and cheese. As I say, I’m just saying. I have one life. It includes beer and cheese.

But, you know, a lot of people read the mags and think that’s the way it is. It’s not. And people are just plum beautiful. Except for this guy.

H/T Brittney.



One response

30 05 2008

I hate how hollywood taints the brains of those of us living in the real world. I’ve gained way more than I should have with this pregnancy and the thought of getting the weight off is a daunting one. Of course, I just finished two packs of powdered doughnuts so who’s to blame eh?

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